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Author of the soon to be best selling book The Road to Godly Confidence


This book has my honest and transparent moments that I hope will meet you where you are and encourage you.

Kendra Smith-Beaufort

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"I've learned over time that there is a difference between self-confidence and Godly Confidence: one points to self and the other puts trust and faith in God"-KSB

“When I began to lean on His character, I saw Him display His role as a provider, leading me to truth, giving wisdom, protection, peace, and joy. You must pursue and choose Godly confidence as the enemy will try to present you with reasons to choose anything other than God”



“ The older I get I see that life is filled with many twists and turns that we often try to alter or attempt to maintain a life we are comfortable with so that we will not have to face change. Change is inevitable, although we try to be comfortable and maintain constant in who we are, something in life will cause a shift where we must learn, grow, and continuously discover ourselves”


" I would stop what  I was doing because particular people  weren't agreeing with what God was revealing about me or what I began to step into. This is truly a sign of insecurity and valuing others opinion over God. He is the main voice that confirms purpose. Step out into the area that He has prepared for you and when you do the evidence will be in His glory revealed in you”


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