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Confidence in Receiving Provision

When googling the word provision it says " the action of providing or supplying something for use" but I like how the Merriam Webster dictionary describes provision as "the fact or state of being prepared beforehand"

Lately I have been telling myself that although I do not know what to do, I am going to do it anyhow. Meaning that I am going to find a way. Sometimes I get stuck because of not having all the knowledge that I need concerning my endeavors and would usually let this stop me. Now I am learning to be more aggressive and to not settle in being naive. Doing research is what a determined person does when they would like to accomplish something. You can not expect results, when no attempt or effort has been made to help you reach towards your goal.

Whether you have the help or not do not allow the lack of counsel keep you from going to the number one counselor who is Jesus Christ. He can direct your paths and give you the answers that you are in need of or looking for concerning what you are pursuing. He will guide you to those that can help or send them to you. God is with us in our preparation process.

Stay encouraged and let God assist you with the desires of your heart. The word says that he wants to and can direct of paths . One of my favorite bible verses acknowledges that although we do not understand everything we can still turn to God and allow Him to guide us. It says in Proverbs 3:5-6 to “ trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight”. I know that I can definitely say there are some things that I try to figure out myself , but when I submit to Him, everything comes together and is a lot easier with time. I suppose the with time factor is what makes it be hard because we often want to have a quick result with immediate answers. When it comes to what we are pursuing whether we know a little or a lot or nothing at all our paths can still be made straight. Submit your plans to the Lord and as you go He will give you insight and direction whether or not you have the resources, the counsel, etc. All of our provision is made through Christ!

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