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Even When You Don’t Understand, Have Faith Have Anyway!

Updated: May 25, 2021

Having faith when you are seeing the opposite of what you desire requires patience, peace in God’s word, and remembering the promises that He has already told you. In my personal life, I have experienced disappointments in my family, finances, and personal endeavors which brought about doubt and hopelessness. It is human nature to feel sad or ponder negative thoughts when you face a situation that caught you by surprise. I am learning that faith is what grounds me and points me in a positive direction despite what I am seeing or enduring. Faith says this is what you need to focus on versus continuing to look at what you see around you. Sometimes what is in the physical can be an illusion, it can portray opposite of what God trying to get to us. What you see may appear to be your reality, but instead you have to choose to look at and remember what you are hoping for. That is faith. The bible says in Hebrew 11:1 that “ Now faith is the [a]substance of things hoped for, the [b]evidence of things not seen". When you don't understand whats going on at your job, in your family, friendships, or endeavors continue to have faith in whatever you are hoping for that you have not seen YET. It is the " yet" that is requiring for us to be patient. While you are hoping God is leading and guiding you on what’s next and giving you your next step.

In Proverbs 16:9 it says "A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps." Continue to stay close to Him as He gives you direction. One thing that is important is that you are open to where God is leading you while being obedient to the instructions. You must trust that He is speaking to you. I have often felt that God was leaving me alone, did not care about what I was going through, and that I was left to figure it out by myself. The fear of being alone and neglected are often what we experience from people. I was putting my Heavenly Father in the same category as flawed people. The enemy is also responsible for feeding me lies that God did not care about me and that His love was distant and unattainable. My belief that God was just watching my days go by was due to having an orphan mindset. When you know that you are a child of God you know that because of this your Father will take care of you and you are in fact NOT alone. No matter the outcome, you have the victory. Accept that you are victorious in Christ and walk in Faith!! Remember that the unseen is on its way to you. In the waiting have patience, trust God, and continue to have faith.

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